Colton Fox’s Hole Is Being Used By Felix Kamp

Colton Fox’s Hole Is Being Used By Felix Kamp

“APPRENTICE FOX Chapter 1: The Interview” — Feb. 24, 2025 — Director(s) : Legrand Wolf, Brian Fitzgibbons — Model(s) : Colton Fox, Felix Kamp — © 2025 MasonicBoys|Carnal+. All rights reserved.

I’ve always considered myself to be fairly unremarkable. My grades were always, you know, okay, but teachers at high school would variously describe me as quiet or secretive. They’d tell my parents that I was a follower and not a leader, that I needed to let go and allow my “true” voice to be heard. The trouble is, I have no interest in being heard. I’m terrified of confrontation and always have been, so I keep my head down and my thoughts to myself.

I read about the order a few years ago and very swiftly came to the conclusion that it was a good fit for someone like me. I told no one of my plans and, the day after I came of age, I applied for an apprenticeship. I was both hugely surprised and utterly elated when I discovered I’d been invited for an interview.

I borrowed one of my Dad’s suits for the occasion. I didn’t ask his permission. The morning of the interview, after he’d left for work, I simply went into his room, pulled out the most conservative-looking of his suits, and spent the next hour in front of the mirror, tying my tie and trying to make sure that I looked presentable and grown up and conscientious and all the other things I was pretty darned sure they’d be looking for me to be. To be honest, I’d not worn a suit before but I kinda liked how it looked. I felt smart and, well… hot! I’ve never really thought of myself as being hot before, but it was a good feeling, which kinda made me hard. So hard, in fact, that the front of the pants got all wet and I had to dab them down with a piece of tissue paper!

Anyway I reached the complex, which was huge, and I was ushered into a room by someone who barely spoke, then left alone on a rather grand chair in the middle of the space. The room itself was white; so blindingly white and so bright that it was hard to work out how big it was.

A middle-aged man then walked in through the door. He had a shaven head, and a neatly-cropped, salt-and-pepper beard. His eyes were like pieces of glacial ice and I instantly felt overwhelmed. He was immaculately dressed in a pure white suit which was so beautifully tailored. The knot in his tie was perfect, utterly perfect. I instantly felt like a scruff ball. My Dad’s suit suddenly felt way too big and old-fashioned and it must have looked like I’d tied my tie in my sleep or something. The man sat down next to me and pulled his chair right up, so that his legs were on either side of mine. I could smell his cologne, which was plainly very expensive. Then he told me that his name was Master Kamp… (read more on MasonicBoys’ Carnal+…)


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