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Having open discussions about sex is a difficult hurdle for some people to get over, even when talking to their health care professional. Even one that you’ve seen multiple times and have maintained for years, some topics just never quite feel normal or casual to some individuals. I myself try my best to keep an open mind at my office, especially when it comes to sex. I want those under my care to feel as though they can talk to me openly about anything going on in their life that concerns them health wise, even if that health is of the sexual variety.
So you can imagine my surprise when I see Grant’s name appear as my last appointment of the day. Typically when one of my younger patients books with me in that time slot, it means they are looking to receive more hands-on special attention as opposed to a standard doctor’s visit.
Thinking it’s like any other visit, I greet the young patient warmly, my taller frame standing beside him as our lips seem to naturally find their way together again. Our lip locking is interrupted however, when the boy opens up to me about his struggles with feeling good about using the anal toys at home. I pull back from the intimate embrace and try to regain my composure as Grant looks up at me with question marks in his eyes.
Grant isn’t seeking just my professional opinion however. Instead, the bottom boy is asking me to help on a more intimate level, which I very much appreciate. It doesn’t go over my head that the younger man might have been practicing for this very visit. So after flashing him a reassuring smile, I am more than happy to approve his request and have him strip down and bend over for me… (read more in FunSizeBoys on Carnal+…)