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Man, I love it when a new scout joins our troop. There’s always the little chill of excitement associated with trying to work out what they’re gonna bring to the table and what kind of man you might be able to chisel out of the raw material they’re presenting you with. I pride myself on being able to hone in pretty quickly on a boy’s potential. Some have intelligence, others have strength, wit, street-smarts, instinct, creativity… Once in a while you meet someone who seems to have all of these skills – and then, well, then all bets are off.
Young Zac has an extraordinary aura surrounding him. Tall, handsome, sporty and confident, he possesses a steely quality which implies ambitiousness and intelligence. In short, he intrigues me.
I therefore went out of my way to make sure I was selected to oversee his pledge which is a very private and dare I say intimate moment between a scout and his leader; one which always happens behind closed doors. A boy’s pledge is a sacred thing and the scoutmaster to whom it’s made has a lasting responsibility to make sure the scout fulfills his promise and doesn’t veer off the path. It locks both scoutmaster and boy together in an unwritten contract which I personally take incredibly seriously. When I see great potential in a young man, I ensure that I’m his mentor.
The first thing I noticed about Zac as he greeted me was how immaculately turned out he was. I was highly impressed. His shirt was well-fitted and ironed neatly, his cap was worn at a pleasing angle, his shorts were carefully belted and his neckerchief was tied with precision. He smelled clean. I was, in truth, a little taken aback, and soon found myself stepping forward to fuss over him, straightening his already straight epaulettes and fiddling with the compass hanging jauntily around his neck. Some crazy and powerful invisible force was making me want to find excuses to touch him and its strength was growing… (read more in Scoutboys on Carnal+…)