“-” — Jordan
I* found him wandering off into the woods by himself. There’s some concern among the Scoutmasters that young Canyon is a little too easily distracted. He’s definitely a daydreamer of epic proportions who fairly regularly seems lost in his thoughts, which means it’s hard to know whether he’s taken information on board. Boys like Canyon can be something of a liability within the troop, because it’s not clear if they even understand the fundamentals of scouting. A boy will only remain safe if he’s able to recognize danger. (* Reece Scott, editor’s note).
Fortunately, on this occasion, no harm was done. He hadn’t strayed too far away from the camp and I was able to stop him and remind him of the rules before he got lost or abducted or attacked. Telling him off, of course, was like kicking a puppy. The look on his face made my heart melt. Obviously I told him that he wasn’t in big trouble, that it was simply a matter of protocol and that I couldn’t allow him to continue on his own. There was a silence, which I expected to be filled by him agreeing to go back to the camp, but instead he just stood there, staring at me, his face changing from a look of guilt and embarrassment to one that I couldn’t quite put my finger on…
And in that split second, everything changed. He was staring at me, somewhat searchingly, his big blue eyes like pools of glacial ice boring into my soul. It struck me, right there and then, that I’d seldom laid eyes on a more handsome young man, and furthermore, that the look he was giving me was laden with sexual intent.
I told him I’d walk with him for a bit, terrified of myself – terrified of what would happen if we went further into the woods, but somehow unable to stop myself from pressing the self-destruct button… (more in ScoutBoys…)