“—” — Jordan

Not all boys were necessarily seeking this path, it would be incredibly foolish of us to believe that every single candidate chose this opportunity as their only option. No, instead a lot of the young slave boys you see as part of our collection hit some kind of snag or a fork in the road that ultimately led them here. But make no mistake, we make sure that each individual candidate receives the proper attention and guidance they need in order to better serve the needs of our exclusive membership.
Despite me enjoying training boys regardless of their level of experience, there was something about the newer boy I was asked to groom. Boy Canyon his name was, his small stature was bound to be a hit with most of the buyers here. I wanted to feel guilty for the young man for having to forfeit what he had his sights set on, but then again that would mean he would’ve been off chasing his dreams rather than finding his place among us.
Injury is usually what counts an athlete out of the running, even if he makes a full recovery just the fear of potentially reinjuring themselves can be enough to make them throw in the towel completely. It marked a change within the twink, rather than pushing himself for the sake of competition, instead the boy began to revel in how his body could draw the attention of older men, myself included.

When Boy Canyon came for his initiation, he had already gained some experience when being intimate with another man. We do love to see a novice slave embrace his proper place and even prepare himself for his first session with us. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are fully equipped to handle what might get thrown at them from our insatiable dominant members… (more on Boy For Sale)