“The adventures of Scout Serg Shepard continue in this very hot 5th chapter with Scoutmaster Banner, taking advantage of Serg’s great qualities in Scouting. In order to reward him, Scoutmaster Banner takes over from Scoutmaster Saint. In this scene of an outdoor scene in the forest that will take our breath away, the insatiable scout Serg offers himself to Banner in which he proves that he has perfectly assimilated the different skills that make him an excellent scout submissive to the service of his Scoutmaster, ready for all the trials of life and in the discovery of the most buried pleasures.” — Jordan

I was pretty darned happy when I got paired with Scoutmaster Banner. It was the last-but-one night out in the wilds, and it’s traditional for the oldest of the scouts to spend a night hiking and then camping with one of the leaders. It’s pretty elemental stuff. You head out into the forest with a tent and a few provisions, and the scoutmaster allows his scout to call the shots in terms of map-reading, setting up camp and cooking food. It’s considered catastrophic if the leader’s forced to intervene in any way, you know, for safety or whatever. If they get lost, they get lost. If it rains, they sit it out. It’s simple.
There’s a legendary rumor that, on one such mission, way back when, a scout from our troop managed to cause a minor forest fire, pretty much in the time it took his allotted scoutmaster to take a leak behind a tree! And lemme tell ya, that story gets told with varying degrees of dramatic license. In the most extreme version I’ve heard, the forest fire destroys a small town and they find a dead snorkeler in the embers who’d been swimming in the ocean when the fire fighting helicopter came along to scoop up the water to put the fire out! Crazy shit!
Anyway, cards on the table, Scoutmaster Banner and I have a little bit of history which goes all the way back to Hallowe’en last year. At that particular time things were getting quite heavy with Scoutmaster Snow and the two of us had gotten a bit lax, often getting so carried away we forgot what bad news it would have been to get caught in the act. It was late, a few of us were still sitting around the campfire telling ghost stories. One moment we were absentmindedly roasting s’mores and the next, some crazy four-some had kicked off, which ended with Scoutmaster Banner fucking me. It was, of course, never mentioned again, and for a while it was all a bit uncomfortable. Banner went out of his way to avoid me, and him and Snow had a blazing row and haven’t spoken since.
Things have subsequently cooled off with Scoutmaster Snow and he didn’t even join us on the trip this time. On the first night, however, I found myself glancing over at Scoutmaster Banner and noticing that he was watching me quite carefully. I held his gaze and suddenly felt a bolt in the pit of my stomach. We plainly weren’t quite done with each other and fate, clearly, felt the same way. When they drew names from a hat, I was paired with Banner and the rest, as they say, is history.
So there we were, in the muggy late afternoon, staggering speedily through the forest, making our way towards what looked like a pretty large clearing on the map. I thought it would make a perfect place to pitch our tents but it was slightly further away than I’d anticipated. We walked way too fast. I was way too keen not to be proved wrong. But after a few hours I was ready to drop… (more on ScoutBoys…)