“Our national Canaillou, named Promising French Porn Actor of the Year by KINKYBOYS, makes his grand debut at Timtales and as tradition dictates, it is the great Tim Kruger who welcomes him for his greatest pleasure and ours at the same time. A soft, warm and intimate performance as we are used to with Tim. The young scoundrel enters Timtales through the front door with a successful, very exciting first scene, proving once again that French people and sex go hand in hand. “Tim Et Canaillou” is the first scene of this month of July that I highly recommend.” — Jordan.

You ready for some French touch with a dash of je-ne-sais-quoi? Aren’t Frenchmen the sexiest? Canaillou is a reminder of that. That gorgeous face and cute eyes asking for deeper fucking. Oui, oui, he’s all that! Honestly, for Tim, it’s love at first fuck. His legendary cock fits so perfectly in that tight French bottom. It’s a lovemaking-kinda breeding session you sure don’t wanna miss. And watch out for that epic creampie. Bienvenue chez Timtales Canaillou! 😉